2004 Evaluation results for all administrators
President Mary Sue Coleman
Provost Paul Courant
All deans
All department chairs
University librarian
Download a spreadsheet of all data
Individual evaluations for deans
Individual evaluations for chairs
Give feedback to the Administration Evaluation Committee.
Key to results:
- elig = number of eligible University Senate members
- resp = number of those who responded
- SA = Strongly Agree = 5
- A = Agree = 4
- N = Neutral = 3
- D = Disagree = 2
- SD = Strongly Disagree = 1
- NBJ = No Basis for Judgement
- med = Median
- FTM = Far Too Much = 5
- TM = Too Much = 4
- AR = About Right = 3
- NE = Not Enough = 2
- NNE = Not Nearly Enough = 1