Aaer | Aerospace Engineering |
Aahi | History of Art |
Aalc | Asian Languages and Cultures |
Aane | Anesthesiology |
Aant | Anthropology |
Aaos | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Science |
Aarc | Architecture |
Aast | Astronomy |
Abch | Biological Chemistry |
Abme | Biomedical Engineering |
Abms | Biologic and Materials Sciences |
Abpr | Biophysics Research Division |
Abst | Biostatistics |
Acar | Cariology, Restorative Science and Endodontics |
Acdb | Cellular and Developmental Biology |
Ache | Chemical Engineering |
Achm | Chemistry |
Aciv | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Acln | Clinical Sciences |
Acls | Classical Studies |
Acmp | Composition |
Acnd | Conducting |
Acom | Communication Studies |
Adan | Dance |
Adea | Dentistry, aggregated small departments |
Ader | Dermatology |
Aeco | Economics |
Aecs | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Aeeb | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
Aegl | English Language and Literature |
Aehs | Environmental Health Sciences |
Aeme | Emergency Medicine |
Aepi | Epidemiology |
Afam | Family Medicine |
Agen | Human Genetics |
Ageo | Geological Sciences |
Ager | Germanic Languages and Literature |
Ahbe | Health Behavior and Health Education |
Aheb | Health Behavior and Health Education |
Ahis | History |
Ahmp | Health Management and Policy |
Aint | Internal Medicine |
Aioe | Industrial and Operations Engineering |
Ajaz | Jazz and Improvisation Studies |
Alng | Linguistics |
Amat | Mathematics |
Ambi | Microbiology and Immunology |
Amcd | Molecular, Cellular, and Development Biology |
Amdc | Medicinal Chemistry |
Amde | Medical Education |
Amec | Mechanical Engineering |
Amse | Materials Science and Engineering |
Amsl | Musicology |
Amtr | Music Theory |
Amtt | Musical Theatre |
Amua | Music, aggregated small departments |
Amue | Music Education |
Anav | Naval Architecture and Marine |
Anes | Near Eastern Studies |
Aneu | Neurology |
Anrs | Nuclear and Radiological Science |
Ansu | Neurosurgery |
Aobg | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Aomp | Oral Medicine/Pathology/Oncology |
Aoms | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Aopd | Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry |
Aopt | Ophthalmology and Visual Science |
Aorg | Organ |
Aort | Orthopaedic |
Aoto | Otolaryngology |
Apat | Performing Arts Technology |
Aped | Pediatrics |
Apha | Pharmacy, aggregated small departments |
Aphc | Pharmacology |
Aphl | Philosophy |
Apho | Physiology |
Aphs | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Aphy | Physics |
Apia | Piano |
Apmr | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
Apol | Political Science |
Appg | Periodontics Prevention and Geriatrics |
Apsi | Psychiatry |
Apso | Psychology |
Apth | Pathology |
Arad | Radiology |
Ardo | Radiation Oncology |
Arll | Romance Languages and Literature |
Asas | Social and Administrative Sciences |
Asll | Slavic Languages and Literature |
Asoc | Sociology |
Asta | Statistics |
Astr | String Instruments |
Asur | Surgery |
Athd | Theatre and Drama |
Auro | Urology |
Avoc | Voice |
Awnd | Winds and Percussion |