Michigan block M   Administration Evaluation

Notes on reporting

Display of specific SA/A/N/D/SD/NBJ/NA counts:

Counts on SA/A/N/D/SD/NBJ/NA are not displayed if fewer than ten responses were received, due to confidentiality concerns. (This policy went into effect beginning with the 2016-2017 academic year.) Consequently, if only one response is received, no results are shown (in effect beginning with the 2018/2019 AY).

Dean and Chair summary reports ordered by median:

Administrators were only included in the summary reports ordered by median if the number of responses received was 3 or more.

Separate reporting of senate and non-senate faculty:

Reports showing separate responses for senate and non-senate faculty are only provided for units if two criteria were both met:

Results for AY2004/05 and AY2005/06

For administrators whose tenure extends back to the first years of the AEC survey, the responses that are reported are from University Senate members only. Non-Senate faculty joined the evaluation process in later years.

Absence of previous medians:

The absence of a previous median could occur for several reasons:

How is the median computed?

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